Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weekend update

Happy Sunday, everyone! On Friday we wrapped up our summary of the history of the US Sloop of War Hornet and I've promised to start going back and filling in the gaps tomorrow. For now, I think a quick summary of what we're up to is in order.

First, our two vintage 1904 Monomoy Pulling Boats are happy under their covers - work is waiting for warmer, dryer weather to begin the heavy restoration work. No. 2 is now being reported as a "long term" project - the damage done by her fiberglass sheathing now fully realized. No. 3 is in great shape, and while her stabilization is paying tremendous dividends on her actual hull shape restoration, the restoration potential is looking better and better. Estimated launch date for her is July.

Second, we have a great 1:12 scale model of the ship we've been discussing - the Sloop of War Hornet. The waterline model is being made of foam, wood and plaster -and isn't intended to serve as a museum quality 'plank-on-frame accurate' piece. But her sailing rig will be more or less fully functional, and at 16 feet long and 14 feet tall, she'll undoubtedly make a great display piece when completed. Photos are not being released for distribution at this time, but watch for more about this in April, when we're expecting to unveil this and other efforts.

The Dockyard has weathered the winter well so far, with no major casualties to speak of. Our tarp tents have held up remarkably well, and Monomoy No. 1 remains 'in ordinary' but can be ready for service on 72 hours notice.

I've had several requests to have another Conquer the Chesapeake this year, and if we back up the timeline a bit to July or so we might have two boats to take! If anyone has any suggestions for this please let me know and let's get the ideas moving. Yesterday I had lunch at a great pub in Cape Charles - several miles beyond last year's landing at Kiptopeke State Park - might make a suitable destination this year.

At any rate, I have spreadsheets to attend to. And presentations. I look very forward to being able to say more about what it is we've been toiling in for so long at a future date - it is most definitely worth the wait.


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