Monday, August 9, 2010

Survey results- people would rather be entertained than actually DO anything

"The things that will destroy America are prosperity at any price, peace at any price, safety first instead of duty first, a love of soft living and the get-rich-quick theory of life."
When Jim Cameron's Avatar was released, one of the most interesting things to come as a result were the flurry of stories about depression over the beauty of the fictional planet. What? Yes, people were becoming depressed because they thought the real world not nearly as beautiful as Cameron's fictional one. It went so far as thoughts of suicide.
I believe this is an effect of modern society - being constantly connected and instantly gratified. Why call your friends - or God forbid see them - when you can just add them to a 'buddy list' and monitor status updates. Never leave your chair again. Why go out into the world when you can surf the web? Its the same embedded doctrine that created over consumption, borrow and spend, fattened livestock theory of life. Ever seen the movie Wall-e? Not far from today's mindset.
I mention this not because I love to pick problems apart (which I do) but because it seems there are fewer and fewer people doing anything. From recreational sports teams to hobbies and crafts to our way of looking at business. Every club I know of, every church I know of, every volunteer-based charity I know of - every museum in my locality - are all way waaaay down in attendance and participation. This, of course, includes NHS and reenacting in general.
By the way, this is not a liberal or conservative problem - so don't mix up my meaning on this. It is a unilateral problem of evolving human nature - we are growing increasingly lazy as a society.
I don't portend to have a solution to this - and I'm not going to attempt a guess. But I fully intend to keep up my own version of Theodore Roosevelt's "strenuous life" - and perhaps someday I'll meet with more who do the same.
To those folks who are contributing, showing up, and remain dedicated to NHS - you are a precious minority and I am grateful for every minute you guys give. No crap. Keep it up.

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